USC 2020 Celebration Website

USC band

USC came to us with an idea: an all-day online celebration for graduates from around the world.

The Challenge

In April, USC shared their idea with us: an all-day online celebration for graduates from across the country and around the world. With only weeks to go before the big day, we collaborated with USC’s events, online and school teams to bring a vision to life. A live university-wide event would be streamed in the morning and repeated 3 times over 15 hours for audiences around the world. In addition to the institution-level celebration, each of 21 schools would have their own graduation online events at scheduled times, presented along with a host of school-specific social and video messages from celebrities, faculty and families.

The Solution

Energetic, jubilant, and real-time — it was essential for the online celebration to bring people together - to create a shared experience that could bring some of the same warmth and camaraderie that comes from sitting among your classmates and family at a live event. Social media managed by a fleet of moderators would give students, their friends and families the ability to share their congratulatory messages, photos and videos. There was even a social “Memory Book” where students could share social posts of their friends and favorite memories across campus for posterity. It was important to remind everyone that the event was live and could be a special moment that could be share and remembered. And as a final touch, our team added a little bit of fun with a “Celebrate!” button that filled the screen with animated confetti.

Our job was simple: make a complex experience feel simple and special, build it in days, and make sure it would work when thousands of people used it simultaneously. 

The Result

Over the course of one day, the event garnered tens of thousands of unique visitors and social interactions. USC’s vision took advantage of the best of remote technology to transform what could have been a staid video webcast into a warm, vibrant and community-powered experience.

This project is a success story for remote gathering, and we know the same type of approach can work for fundraising events, recruitment events and virtual visits in the new age of higher education.

2020 Trojan Homepage
2020 Trojan Video Playing
2020 Countdown
Memory Book